Thursday, September 27, 2012

Dog Friend of the Month: ABBY!!!

What is your full name?
My real name is actually Abita - yes, like the beer.  Abby is what my friends call me, though.  Mom has lots of nicknames for me - Bita, Bit-Bit, Smiley, Abs...the list goes on!

I am two.  Mom and Dad adopted me in September 2010.  My brothers and sisters and I used to live with at this place with a whole bunch of goats when we were little...I kind of miss those goats sometimes.

What is your favorite place to take a walk?
Being from Florida, when I first moved to St. Louis I really missed the beach and all the smells there.  But then we started going to Forest Park every day - I loved the snow and all the geese I got to chase!  I forgot all about the sand.  Now I am really into the Mutton Strut - I get to see my dog friends and be outside with my people in Tower Grove!  It's amazing.

What is the tastiest treat?
I love love LOVE my liver treats.  And I REALLY love my salmon treats. And my pumpkin treats. And especially the kind Amy brings to my house. And...

What is the one item you couldn't live without?
I could not live without my dragon toy.  I kind of broke my first one, so now I have a replacement dragon - I have tried to be more careful with this one, but out of the 16 squeakers it has, I think only one or two still work.  Oh well.  It's still my favorite thing, I take it with me lots of places.  Between that and my squeaky ball, I'm pretty set. My people don't seem as fond of those toys as me, I'm not sure why...

Car rides or belly rubs?
Most definitely belly rubs.  Car rides stress me out.

Who is a famous dog you most idolize?
I don't know if you know her, but my dog friend Ziva is pretty cool.  I am always trying to impress her by showing her my toys.

What is the most embarrassing thing your people have made you do?
One time mom and dad made me dress up like the white rabbit for Halloween.  That was pretty bad.  Once I got the ears off, it was better.

What is your most mischievous moment?
Speaking of rabbits, this spring I got under the porch trying to chase one, and accidentally rolled in insulation.  I learned my lesson - I had to go to the vet to get a shot because of all the hives!  I still have it out for that rabbit.  But Mom and Dad say I'm a good girl, so it must be true.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Dog Friend of the Month: DIABLO!!!

What is your full name?   Diablo Ellis

Age? 11

What is your favorite place to take a walk?  Anywhere Julie and Jeff will take me.

What is the tastiest treat?  I LOVE a good T-bone when dad leaves a little meat on it!  YUM.

What is the one item you couldn't live without?  The look on dad's face when he throws his clean clothes on the bed, and I jump right in the middle of the pile!

Car rides or belly rubs?  I'll take both from the passenger seat of the truck.

Who is a famous dog you most idolize?  Gyspy- that girl was a lot needier than me, but man could she fetch ducks!!!!  I won't go near the water unless it is to drink. 

What is the most embarrassing thing your person has made you do?  My dad made me get my picture taken with the Cards mascot Fredbird . Seriously, just take me for the walk.

What is your most mischievous moment?  A bottle of Jager and a large pizza from Papa John's. What was i supposed to do?  Dad left them both in reach. 

I just want to say thanks to Mutton Chops for taking such good care of me when my pops is on the road!!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Dog Friend of the Month: ANNIE!!!

What is your full name?  Annie Bananie Pratt

Age?  2 years, 7 months

Where is your favorite place to take a walk?  Forest Park of course!

What is the tastiest treat?  Vanilla Gelato

What is the one item you couldn't live without?  My Bark Jacobs handbag I got for Christmas.

Car rides or belly rubs? A girl's gotta have both!

Who is a famous dog you most idolize?  Rin Tin Tin (Lassie is overrated)

What is the most embarrassing thing your person has made you do?  Dad made me wear a clown nose on Halloween and paraded me around St. Louis.

What is your most mischievous moment?  When I stole my dad's wallet.  But I needed my gelato!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Dog Friend of the Month: BENNY!!!

What is your full name?  Benny Kravitz

  5 years old
What is your favorite place to take a walk?  I love taking a walk through Soulard where I live.  There are so many things to see!  On the weekends my dad walks with me all the way to the brewery.  That is so much fun!
What is the tastiest treat?  Well, that is a tough one.  I love anything with cheese however, I just had my first taste of vanilla ice cream.  That might be my new favorite!
What is the one item you couldn't live without?   My back yard and front stoop.  I love sitting in my backyard looking up and watching the squirrels run across the electrical wires.  I can lay on the brick patio all day in nice weather.  I also love sitting out front on the stoop with my dad and all of the neighbors.

Car rides or belly rubs? I would have to say belly rubs.  That is how I start my day. Doesn’t every one start their day with a belly rub?
Who is a famous dog you most idolize?  I think I like Marley from Marley and Me.  I can relate to him really well.
What is the most embarrassing thing your person has made you do? Every Halloween my dad makes me wear a pumpkin costume.  He takes pictures and sends them to our family.

What is your most mischievous moment?  Well, when I was a puppy I loved to dig up all of the houseplants my dad had around the house.  That was so much fun.  To top that he left a pizza on the kitchen counter and stepped away for a moment.  Guess what I did…I ate his cheese pizza.  Isn’t that a funny story!!!
I look forward to my daily walks with Brennan.  Thanks, Mutton Chops!!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Mutton Chops' Dog Friend of the Month: ENZO!!!

What is your full name? 
Enzo Akers

Age? Just turned 2!

What is your favorite place to take a walk? I love Forest Park- lots of people and things to see and I get to drink out of water fountains!  Water fountains are more sophisticated than drinking out of a bowl.  
What is the tastiest treat? I love any treat that is placed into my Kong bone (known as my "cheese bone") for me to work out myself. I like a challenge. In particular I love string cheese, cooked sweet potato or baby carrots in my cheese bone. I'm never pushy about it though. I only bring my cheese bone to my humans when asked, and then I run off to another room to enjoy my treat all by myself. I'm getting giddy just thinking about it!
What is the one item you couldn't live without? My antlers. Oh, and massages! My mommy sits on the floor and I immediately sit with my back to her. Then I scoot myself with my front paws, rocking my butt back and forth on the floor until I know I'm as close to her as physically possible. That's when the fun begins! Once my neck, back and hips are done I lay on my back so she can end with a good belly rub. It's the best. 
Car rides or belly rubs? Both!

Who is a famous dog you most idolize? Eddie Crane from Frasier, he is SO smart!

What is the most embarrassing thing your people have made you do? They ask me to jump into the bathtub for my baths... can you imagine? Okay, the truth is I know I should be embarrassed, but in reality I love jumping in the tub and getting baths, it means I get even more massages!

What is your most mischievous moment? I pretend like I'm following my humans to another room, but then I run over and open the cabinet where the trash can is stored. Other times I sneak a bite of sweet potato off the counter- but don't you think it's their fault for leaving my favorite food within my eye level and reach?

If you see me out and about please pardon my excitement when running over to you, I'm just hoping you'll pet me as soon as possible! Weren't humans put on this Earth to rub my head? At least MuttonChops knows to love on me all the time, I love Jeff, Julie and Heather!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Mutton Chops' Dog Friends of the Month: LOUIE!!

What is your full name? Louie Charles Dhanak
Age? 2 1/2 years old
What is your favorite place to take a walk? Parking lot behind our house
What is the tastiest treat? Dog treat--Chicken Breathies. Human Treat--CHICKEN! 
What is the one item you couldn't live without?  My Hoof!  I love love love to chew on it even though it's bigger than my head!   :-)
Car rides or belly rubs?  Belly rubs hands down. I'm not a fan of the car even though we travel to Kansas City to see my dad once a month.
Who is a famous dog you most idolize?  Toto from the Wizard of Oz
What is the most embarrassing thing your person has made you do? Wear my "donut"'s so annoying but I know I have to wear it so I don't pick at my cast...:-(
What is your most mischievous moment? When mom is studying, I like to grab her highlighters and run off with them, then I chew on them until they don't work anymore!!

From Louie: thanks for choosing me Ms. Julie!! I know I'm really little but I have the biggest heart....Mom feels so lucky to have me in her life; she tells me every day. And I absolutely love it when you and Ms. Heather and Ms. Faithe come over and play!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Mutton Chops' Dog Friends of the Month: FEZ AND FIONA!!!

What is your full name?
Fez:  Fezzik.
Fiona:  Princess Fiona Diamond, Duchess of CheesyPoofs.
Fez:  Wait, I want to be royalty too.  I am Fezzik, Prince of Bacon.  And Sausage.

Fez:  4 & ½ of human years.
Fiona: 2 & ½ of none of your business.

Where is your favorite place to take a walk?
Fez:  Outside.
Fiona: Yeah, outside is nice.  Except when it’s cold.  I don’t like coats.
Fez: Or when it’s really hot.  Or when it’s raining.
Fiona: Yeah.

What is the tastiest treat?
Fez:  Floorpie.  Especially if it’s steak floorpie.
Fiona:  Right.  But you never know if it’s steak floorpie unless you eat it.
Fez:  Zactly.  So you have to eat it.
Fiona:  Yeah, you can always barf it up later if it turns out that it wasn’t food.

What is the one item you couldn't live without?
Fez:  Steak floorpie.
Fiona:  Yeah, steak floorpie.  I thought we answered this question.
Fez:  Can people be items?
Fiona:  We love Julie!
Fez:  And Jeff!
Fiona:  And our Mommies!
Fez:  Especially when they feed us.

Car rides or belly rubs?
Fez:  Car rides are scary.  Belly rubs are kinda scary, too.  I like head rubs though.
Fiona:  You’re nuts.  Belly rubs are nice.  Car rides would be nice too, if you weren’t such a ninny.

What do you really think of the cat you live with?
Fez:  We live with a cat?
Fiona:  She’s not a cat.  She’s a squirrel in disguise.

Who is a famous dog you most idolize?
Fez:  I really like that guy in Underworld.
Fiona:  That guy’s a werewolf, not a dog.
Fez:  No, he’s a vampire-werewolf hybrid.  Psych!

What is the most embarrassing thing your people have made you do?
Fiona:  When they dressed me up as “rally squirrel.”  And wearing those stupid outfits at Christmas – and then they photographed us!
Fez:  I have no recollection of any embarrassing moments.  I block them out.

What is your most mischievous moment?
Fez:  There was that time that I ate all the Christmas cookies.
Fiona:  First of all, you did not eat all the Christmas cookies.  I tricked you into getting the cookies down for me, and I ate a bunch of them.  And then, you got powdered sugar all over your face and I hid under Grandpa Fred’s legs, so the humans all blamed you.  Heh.