What is your full name?
Fez: Fezzik.
Fiona: Princess Fiona Diamond, Duchess of CheesyPoofs.
Fez: Wait, I want to be royalty too. I am Fezzik, Prince of Bacon. And Sausage.
Fez: 4 & ½ of human years.
Fiona: 2 & ½ of none of your business.
Where is your favorite place to take a walk?
Fez: Outside.
Fiona: Yeah, outside is nice. Except when it’s cold. I don’t like coats.
Fez: Or when it’s really hot. Or when it’s raining.
Fiona: Yeah.
What is the tastiest treat?
Fez: Floorpie. Especially if it’s steak floorpie.
Fiona: Right. But you never know if it’s steak floorpie unless you eat it.
Fez: Zactly. So you have to eat it.
Fiona: Yeah, you can always barf it up later if it turns out that it wasn’t food.
What is the one item you couldn't live without?
Fez: Steak floorpie.
Fiona: Yeah, steak floorpie. I thought we answered this question.
Fez: Can people be items?
Fiona: We love Julie!
Fez: And Jeff!
Fiona: And our Mommies!
Fez: Especially when they feed us.
Car rides or belly rubs?
Fez: Car rides are scary. Belly rubs are kinda scary, too. I like head rubs though.
Fiona: You’re nuts. Belly rubs are nice. Car rides would be nice too, if you weren’t such a ninny.
What do you really think of the cat you live with?
Fez: We live with a cat?
Fiona: She’s not a cat. She’s a squirrel in disguise.
Who is a famous dog you most idolize?
Fez: I really like that guy in Underworld.
Fiona: That guy’s a werewolf, not a dog.
Fez: No, he’s a vampire-werewolf hybrid. Psych!
What is the most embarrassing thing your people have made you do?
Fiona: When they dressed me up as “rally squirrel.” And wearing those stupid outfits at Christmas – and then they photographed us!
Fez: I have no recollection of any embarrassing moments. I block them out.
What is your most mischievous moment?
Fez: There was that time that I ate all the Christmas cookies.
Fiona: First of all, you did not eat all the Christmas cookies. I tricked you into getting the cookies down for me, and I ate a bunch of them. And then, you got powdered sugar all over your face and I hid under Grandpa Fred’s legs, so the humans all blamed you. Heh.
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