Full Name: Levi "Big Dog" Moore
Age: about four; I don't remember much of my life before my current parents adopted me, but I've been with them almost two years
Favorite place to walk: It's not about where I walk, it's about what I smell. I'm obsessed with sniffing grass, leaves, bushes, trees, even pavement, so as long as the environment smells good to me, I'm happy to walk there.
Tastiest treat: While I get excited about the stuffed Kong I get every morning, I go beserk when my parents give me a Kong filled with just peanut butter. My eyes get all crazy and I race into my crate once my parents show me what I'm getting. I also love cheese, any kind will do.
The item you can't live without: Aside from my Kong? Probably my dog bed. Even though I love to lounge on the couch, my parents sometimes irritate me with their constant petting and kisses, so I go to my bed to get away from them. I hate laying on the hard floor too-why should a prince like me have to suffer?
Car rides or belly rubs? Belly rubs! I often sleep on my back to hint to my parents that it's time to rub my belly. My favorite part of the week is the extended period of belly rubs I get on Sunday morning when we all wake up.
Famous dog you most idolize: This one's easy: definitely Sweet Jasmine, the beautiful pit bull featured on Sports Illustrated's cover in 2008. Not only is she really good looking, but she is also extremely brave to pose for a bunch of strangers after everything she went through with that nasty football player. I can't repeat what mom and dad call him, but I think you know the one. Anyway, I am often misjudged because of the way I look, so I eat up any positive publicity dogs like me get.
What is the most embarrassing thing your people have made you do? Well, my mom is way more guilty than my dad, but she sometimes makes me wear stupid holiday collars for Halloween or Christmas or whatever. And one time she made me wear a bandana as a bonnet! Can you believe that? Luckily she just wanted a funny picture and didn't make me go out in public like that. Hopefully she'll never show anyone that picture.
What do you really think about the two birds you live with? Well, the little gray one scares me because she flies around so much. Sometimes she lands on me and I'm a very good boy and leave her alone even though I'm afraid she'll attack me. The little green one isn't so bad. He gives me kisses and cleans my fur sometimes. They also keep me company during the day, which is nice because I miss my mom and dad. But I admit they can sometimes be a little noisy for my taste!
Most mischievous moment? Me? Mischievous? Hardly. I'm such a good boy my mom and dad almost never have to tell me "no." But there was this one time...When we were all living with my Nanny my mom and dad decided to leave me out of my crate. I got bored and sniffed something tasty. I sniffed all around until I found the source of the smell: a box of homemade cookies my aunt Patti had sent just for me all the way from Maine. So I ate them all in one sitting. They were for me, right, so I don't see the problem. Luckily mom and dad just laughed when they got home and said something about hoping I don't get sick.
*Note: Since this interview was first conducted in the summer of 2010, Levi's crate has been upgraded to his very own bedroom. His family has grown from two people, one dog and two birds to the addition of another dog (Neptune) and a human baby on the way!
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